Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, April 12, 2013
Rich graces
- Message No. 98 -

My child. My dear child. I, your Mother in Heaven, am here to tell you: for all Our children there is great reward, for whoever accepts a suffering for My Son and does it in joy, will be allowed to rejoice in the love that My Son will give him.
My child. My Son gives His graces to all His children and also His love is the same for all children, but the one who accepts a suffering for Him experiences this wonderful merging, this unspeakable love, goodness and togetherness with My Son. It is a wonderful moment for those who bear His sufferings with joy, because it is as if you become one.
It is this experience that makes the acceptance of sufferings for My Son such a wonderful event that even in suffering these people are still happy and more: they are happy because of these sufferings, because they have united themselves with Jesus, My Son.
Those who have not yet had such an experience might find it difficult to understand, but, My beloved children, always think of those who have shone in suffering, who have taken on pain and burdens and have been happy doing so. Your saints' history is full of such souls, and all of them have had this togetherness with My Son.
It is wonderful to be so close and intimate with My Son, but We have respect for anyone who does not desire this for himself. Not all Our children are made to accept a suffering for My Son, so do not despair nor fear. My Son has His graces ready for each one of you, and know that your prayer does so much good.
My children. My beloved children. We love each one of you, and each one of you gives Us joy with his prayers, his good works, his YES to Jesus, My Son. Whoever may accept suffering for My Son, for the salvation also of the souls believed lost, let him give his YES to My Son for it. Whoever cannot do this, whoever does not want to do this, continue to help in prayer and with all the good that you do.
I, your Mother in Heaven, call you to serve My Son as you are able, and promise that your sacrifices will be rewarded. Rich graces fall on those who suffer with Him, rich graces also for those who remain faithful to Him, defending Him. Rich graces for all those who pray diligently, and rich graces for all those who are persecuted, tortured, mocked and mistreated in His name.
My children. The time is drawing to its end. All Our children We call to prayer, to the acceptance of My Son's sufferings, to the maintenance of the Holy Masses and to devoted fidelity to My Son.
From My heart I thank you for responding to My call as you are able.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children.
Source: ➥